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It’s Easy!!!

Run a contest at your school!

Sample Contest:

Step 1: Watch the Rockin’ Finance video for your child’s grade below:

K-1st Grades

To view or download the PDF click here.

2nd-5th Grades

To view or download the PDF click here.

Step 2: Contest Topic

K-1st Grade

  1. • What is your favorite store?
    • Why do you think the entrepreneur made your favorite store?
    • What is the hardest thing you think the entrepreneur needs to do in running the store?
    • What is the most fun thing the entrepreneur needs to do?
  2. Discuss these ideas with your family, teachers and friends.
  3. From your discussions and thoughts, choose the skill that you believe is the most important for an entrepreneur to have in order to start and run a business.
    Write a story, create a picture or video (1 min or less).
  4. Once complete, have a parent or guardian submit your project through the form below.

$100 goes to the best of each grade level K &1st!

2nd-5th Grade

  1. • What is your favorite store?
    • Think of the entrepreneur that created it.
    • What skills do you think they needed to start and run their business?
  2. Discuss these ideas with your family, teachers and friends.
  3. From your discussions and thoughts, choose the skill that you believe is the most important for an entrepreneur to have in order to start and run a business.
    Write a story, create a picture or video (1 min or less).
  4. Once complete, have a parent or guardian submit your project through the form below.

$100 goes to the best of each grade level 2nd-5th!

Sample for online contest submission:

Step 3: Have a parent or guardian submit your project using the form below.
  • Parent Award Contact and Consent:

  • Max. file size: 50 MB.